Why Support Your Local Library?

By Eileen O. RSS Fri, October 12, 2012

Now, more than ever, libraries are a vital resource in our communities. From job searches to homework help, libraries provide a wealth of services that are especially important given today’s economic outlook. Check out the infographic below to find out why it’s important to support your local library.






Libraries in Washington Libraries in Oregon Libraries in California Libraries in Idaho Libraries in Nevada Libraries in Montana Libraries in Wyoming Libraries in Utah Libraries in Arizona Libraries in Colorado Libraries in New Mexico Libraries in North Dakota Libraries in South Dakota Libraries in Nebraska Libraries in Kansas Libraries in Oklahoma Libraries in Texas Libraries in Alaska Libraries in Hawaii Libraries in Louisiana Libraries in Arkansas Libraries in Missouri Libraries in Iowa Libraries in Minnesota Libraries in Wisconsin Libraries in Illinois Libraries in Michigan Libraries in Indiana Libraries in Ohio Libraries in Kentucky Libraries in Tennessee Libraries in Mississippi Libraries in Alabama Libraries in Georgia Libraries in Florida Libraries in South Carolina Libraries in North Carolina Libraries in West Virginia Libraries in Virginia Libraries in Pennsylvania Libraries in New York Libraries in Maine Libraries in New Hampshire Libraries in Vermont Libraries in Vermont Libraries in Massachusetts Libraries in Rhode Island Libraries in Connecticut Libraries in Connecticut Libraries in New Jersey Libraries in Delaware Libraries in Maryland Libraries in New Jersey







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We give maximum support to our local libraries as well as you say we offer a multitude of services for free, and we collaborate with them to turn back some of what we offer. Recall that we offer not only enrich us as persons besides making us better. The level of a country can be measured with different factors and local libraries is one of them, they never desist in giving our support.
Francisco - Barcelona
Saturday, October 13, 2012

I would encourage everyone to support their local library. Libraries provide a surprisingly large amount of resources for learning. I love my local library you can check out books rent movies attend lectures and much more. In addition they sell used books at a huge discount. I recently purchased a grab bag of Best Selling paperbacks for $1. And a hard copy best seller for $1.25. Also many libraries like mine have free Wi-Fi and computers for public use. Libraries are an excellent resource for culture entertainment research and learning.
Frankie - FL
Wednesday, May 4, 2016