What do Malia and Sasha read?

By Peter L. RSS Wed, December 19, 2012

Can anyone tell which books Malia and Sasha Obama bought recently? Tell us your best guesses in the comments section. (Look at a larger version of this picture.)  Malia will turn 15 in 2013 and Sasha will turn 12. Now that the president has been re-elected, they will be 18 and 15 when they move out of the White House. They are the new First Teens of the United States. What do you think life would be like as a teenager in the White House?  They live with constant secret service protection and with their parents’ every move scrutinized. They are not allowed on Facebook (and, by the way, the Twitter accounts are not really them.) They also live knowing that while they are largely shielded from the public eye now, as they enter adulthood their lives will become more and more public. With the potential to become role models and leaders themselves, what kind of adult lives are they starting to plan? Media attention means power, and as Spider-Man learned the hard way, with power comes responsibility. 

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Peter, you just reminded me about a book we just got at the Free Library called White House kids : The Perks, Pleasures, Problems, and Pratfalls of the Presidents' Children by Joe Rhatigan. Good stuff! (And it really looks like the Obamas are buying a book by Rick Riordan, but it's hard to tell!)
Sarah S. - West Philly
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Peter, the book on top is Pandemonium by Lauren Oliver. It's the second book (after Delirium) in her trilogy. It looks like the third book, Requiem, will be released in March '13.
Heather W. - South Philly
Friday, December 28, 2012