Free Library Branches and Departments on Facebook

By Peter SM RSS Wed, April 24, 2013

If you attended any of the recent Philadelphia Book Festival events, or are planning on attending any of the remaining Philadelphia Science Week or Philly Tech Week events, you've probably stopped by one of our 54 branches.

Want to continue to find out about exciting, educational, and enlightening events at your local neighborhood library?
Have a Facebook account?

Surf on over to our Facebook page and at the top you will see a tab for "Branches and Departments".


Click on that tab and you will be able to access links to all of our branches and departments that have Facebook pages.

Find your local neighborhood library branch's page and "Like" it, check out the latest bestsellers and DVDs available in Philbrick Hall by "Liking" its department page or "Like" our Summer Reading page to get ready for this summer's reading challenge!

Comment and interact with other Free Library Facebook followers, post a suggestion or question on a branch or department page, and share posts and pictures with your friends from the Free Library pages you "Like"!


Have a question for Free Library staff? Please submit it to our Ask a Librarian page and receive a response within two business days.

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