Break out the tricycles, May is National Biking Month!

By Kate E. RSS Sun, May 5, 2013

May is here with its blossoming trees and warm, elongated days that make for the most enjoyable bike rides. Did you know that May is National Bike Month? It's a great time of the year to encourage your child to learn how to ride a tricycle or a big-kid bicycle! Reinforcing literacy concepts with play helps your child prepare for independent reading. Here are a few Free Library resources to get your little one excited for biking!


Raffi's tune, "Bumping Up and Down,"  has a catchy beat toddlers will love and it's great way to introduce the concept of riding outside with your loved ones. The lyrics are easily adaptable to include different types of bicycles and tricycles!



Frank Viva created Along a long road as a continuous, 35 foot-long drawing. The book's beautiful retro-modern illustrations and unique pacing conveys the freedom of movement and fun one has while riding a bike.






Vera, in Rosenberry's Vera rides a bike, overcomes the daunting newness all kids face when attempting to ride a bicycle solo for the first time.


Here are a few more biking books:

Ducking for apples by Lynne Berry

New red bike! by James Ransome

Red wagon by Renata Liwska


Please contact your local branch librarian if you need help finding these materials.

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I think I'll get the family together and bike over to the library! Thanks for the info!
Meg - Northeast Philly
Sunday, May 12, 2013