UPDATE - Changes Coming to Our Electronic Resources and Databases

By Jamie W. RSS Fri, June 28, 2013

Last month we blogged about changes coming to our electronic resources and databases.  A few of those changes will take effect this week.

First of all though, we are happy to report that after further negotiation, we will be able to retain Novelist and Novelist K-8.  These excellent resources will guide you to the best in fiction based on the books you already know love.  Learn more about how to find great that next great read.

Also this week, we will no longer offer the EBSCOhost Premier editions of the magazine and journal databases listed below. Instead, we will offer the Main edition of these resources courtesy of Pennsylvania's POWER Library program:

  • MasterFILE
  • MiddleSearch
  • Primary Search

For researchers seeking information on a given topic, this change will not be particularly noticable. To learn about the best ways to go about a general research project using our resources, please take a look at the video below:


However, if you rely on these EBSCOhost Premier databases to find artciles from specific magazines and journals, you may discover that you need to find alternate sources. Some titles may be available in another database. For others, you can rely on our Interlibrary Loan program. To learn more about finding content from specific magazines and journals, check out this tutorial:


Finally, after a carefully review of database use and value by a team of twelve librarians, the following changes will also take effect this week: Job & Career Accelerator is being replaced with Career Cruising; Simply Map will be replaced by Business Decision; and Oxford Reference Online (not including the Oxford Art and Oxford Music databases, which will remain available) will be replaced by the general research tools mentioned in the tutorial above. Links to all of these resources are found at our database page.

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