FLP Now Offering Online Technology Education with Treehouse

By Jamie W. RSS Fri, February 21, 2014

UPDATE - 8/12/2015 - The Free Library no longer offers Treehouse to our card holders. This change went into effect in December 2014. We apologize for any confusion. 


One newest resource, Treehouse, will help you build websites, create iPhone and Android apps, build web apps with Ruby on Rails and PHP, learn about user experience, how to start a business, and much more!

Through 1000+ video tutorials, quizzes, and code challenges created by expert teachers, you will learn to code in languages like Objective-C, HTML, CSS, PHP, Ruby, JavaScript and SQL.

Treehouse offers more than just learning though. Through their guided learning Tracks, Deep Dives, and by interacting with the Treehouse community in their online forums, you can prepare yourself for a new career or advancement in your current position.

Once you register (Treehouse is a free service, you only need your Free Library card to sign up!), you will find that the Treehouse platform is organized into courses by topic and tailored Tracks to help you learn. Each course is broken down into specific projects and Deep Dives so you can master the languages and skills you need. Best of all, Treehouse believes that learning should be fun! They've gamified the Treehouse app so you'll enjoy the interactive quizzes and code challenges. As you progress, you will also be able to earn badges and points and create a profile to publicly display your progress. 

You can find Treehouse on our new Digital Learning portal as well as on our recently redesigned database page. You will only need to register the first time you use Treehouse. Once registered, you can login directly. 

Here are the founders and teachers of Treehouse talking about what makes their platform so great (but where they talk about the low cost, remember that with your Free Library card, there's no cost to you, it's FREE!)

Enjoy learning and let us know what you think of this new resource in the comments below!

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I belong to a couple of libraries and the Philadelphia is the best with all that it offers.
Robert Michlowski - Scranton
Monday, February 24, 2014

So neat! Can't wait to dive into this content!
Sarah J - Philadelphia
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hey Jamie, I am a trainee Ruby on Rails Developer at http://www.allerin.com & need to get registered at Treehouse, but it is asking for Library card number & pin. Where can I get that thing? Please help!!!
Harshada - Navi Mumbai, MH
Friday, April 11, 2014

Hello Harshada - you can get a library card online or at any of our libraries. Find our library card policies and application here: http://libwww.freelibrary.org/register/getcard1.cfm
Jamie W - Philadelphia
Friday, April 11, 2014

Wow Great to know Treehouse is giving such much opportunities :) thanks to the developers of TreeHouse :) :)
Shaifur Rahaman
Saturday, September 13, 2014

Is this resource still available to library card holders? I can't find it in the digital learning portal or on the database page.
Kylen - Philadelphia
Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hello Kylen - unfortunately, TreeHouse is no longer available through the Free Library. Here is a link to the blog post announcing the change: http://libwww.freelibrary.org/blog/index.cfm?postid=2130
Jamie W - Philadelphia
Monday, April 20, 2015