Text in Prints -- New Exhibit in the Print & Picture Hallway Gallery

By Laura S. RSS Tue, April 28, 2015

The Print and Picture Collection of the Free Library of Philadelphia has mounted a new exhibition to coincide with Framing Fraktur: Celebrating Traditional Pennsylvania German Folk Art and Its Relationship to Contemporary ArtText in Prints: The Use of Language in Contemporary Printmaking features prints with text from the Print and Picture Collection. A variety of techniques are shown, from those of the pop artists of the 1960s, to modern letterpress broadsides, to artists incorporating text directly on the printing plate.

Text in Prints, which is on display in the Print and Picture Collection Hallway Gallery until July 19, 2015, includes work by artists Katie Baldwin, Anthony Campuzano, Daniel Dallmann, Kip Deeds, Bill Hanscom, Kay Healy, Daniel Heyman, Jim Houser, Robert Indiana, Lois Johnson, Cathy LeClare, Roy Lichtenstein, Dennis Lo, Sam Maitin, Matt Neff, Sue Patterson, Mary Phelan, Caitlin Perkins, Bobby Rosenstock, Stephanie Stump, Erin Sweeney, Susan Viguers, Susan Weinz, and Caroline Garcia Ziegler

Print and Picture Collection Hallway Gallery, 2nd Floor

Parkway Central Library

Free Library of Philadelphia

1901 Vine St., Philadelphia, PA 19103

Hours:  M-F 9:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.,  Sat 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.,  Sun 1:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Contact:  215-686-5405 or erefpix@freelibrary.org

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