Helping Yourself in #FLPNoShameNovember

By Samantha M. RSS Fri, November 6, 2015

It’s easy to turn to books for inspiration or entertainment, but what about when you need practical guidance in your life? That’s when self-help books come into the picture for Naisha, the Program Director of PNC Words at Play Vocabulary Initiative.

“Why do you have to say ‘self-help’?”  Naisha asks with a laugh.

Naisha knows that self-improvement requires humbling herself and admitting she might need some help in the first place—an “I need to get my life together” mentality, in Naisha’s words.

This can lead to feelings of sheepishness and fear that she might not be smart enough to figure things out on her own. Even though she seeks out these books, sometimes she still feels stubborn or resistant: “It’s like, ‘Don’t tell me what to do!’ ” she says. “I’m a big girl now; I shouldn’t need help with my money! But I do.”

Naisha’s found, though, that self-help books tend to be more encouraging than disparaging. Picking up The Total Money Makeover has given Naisha useful tricks she’s been able to incorporate into her financial life, like not using her debit card, saving by limiting weekly spending, and paying down debt. Naisha also appreciates the step-by-step business plans that Do Cool Sh*t has provided. She’s gained unconventional and creative ideas about how to grow her side business and has been able to set concrete goals about the future because of the book.

Naisha says she feels empowered and proud when she sees her personal growth and the confidence she’s developed in certain areas of her life. It’s all thanks to these self-help books!

For the entire month of November, Free Library staff will be embracing our so-called “guilty pleasures” without embarrassment! Join in and show us your pride for whatever you’re reading, watching, or listening to by snapping a photo with the hashtag #FLPNoShameNovember. We’ll feature your photos on our social media accounts and curate a list of the now-shameless titles!

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