Bernie Sanders: Progressivism, Social Democracy, and Political Revolution

By Peter SM RSS Wed, November 23, 2016

2016 will be remembered for many things in the history books and one of those top historical moments will be the 2016 Presidential Election. No matter which candidate you voted for or what political beliefs you may hold, there is no doubt it was one of the most derisive and bitter election cycles to date, so much so that more than 40% of the eligible voting population just decided to opt out.

There's a lot to be said about statistics like that, but I am not a political analyst or pundit. I could give you my own take on the way things turned out, but why be another voice in the void filling up a blog post with a stream of expletives?

What we need now is some positivity, not reinforced negativity.

Someone who is a bit more articulate than me and definitely more experienced in the political realm—former presidential candidate and current U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders—will be bringing his progressive message and continued call to action to the Free Library on Monday, November 28 during a special Author Event in conversation with Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!.

In his new book, Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In, Sanders shares his personal experiences from the campaign trail and his historic presidential run. In chapters with titles like “Defeating Oligarchy,” “Ending a Rigged Economy,” “Health Care for All,” and “Combating Climate Change”, he outlines a progressive economic, environmental, racial, and social justice agenda.

But what exactly is Progressivism? In short, it encompasses a wide spectrum of social movements that include environmentalism, labor, anti-poverty, peace, anti-racism, civil rights, women’s rights, animal rights, social justice, and political ideologies such as social democracy and liberalism. You can learn more about Progressivism and many other related subjects by simply searching through our catalog.

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Knowledge + Action = Power

The sold out Bernie Sanders Author Event will be streamed live via the Free Library's Livestream channel starting at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, November 28.

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The context of your statement about voter turnout is misleading. See the following:
Terry - Philadelphia
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Senator Sanders presents the most Profound example of America neglecting it's Excellence. Sanders for POTUS 2020 is Realistic, Get to Work America !
Mark Herbert - Nor Cal
Monday, November 28, 2016

I missed the live feed of the Bernie Sanders event with Amy Goodman. How can I watch it at this point?
Phillip Griffin - St. Louis
Monday, November 28, 2016

Hi Phillip, You can access the archived Author Event video at the top of this blog post or via the following link Thanks!
Web Admin - Philadelphia
Wednesday, November 30, 2016