Summer Movies 2017: Sequels and Retreads and Adaptations, Oh My!

By Peter SM RSS Thu, May 25, 2017

As the weather turns warmer, schools begin to let out, and people head out of town on vacation, another summer slate of movies is being rolled out in theaters across the country. The "summer blockbuster" is now a perennial event, as each year filmmakers and Hollywood studios try to outdo their past offerings, in both attendance records and money earned, if not necessarily in storytelling or spectacle. But more so than previous years, the "summer" movie rollout began earlier than ever this year. As of this writing, I've already missed a number of "must-see" movies that were projected onto screens... back in March.

And by missed, I mean missed the opportunity to go see these films in a theater. Whether I ever actually watch them at all is the bigger question.

The overwhelming majority of this summer's cinema selections are sequels, reboots / reimaginings / retreads, or adaptations. It's like déjà vu all over again... again and again. I definitely feel like I've already paid for and seen these films.

Let's run down the sequels first:

Whew! I'm feeling sequel fatigue just from typing all of that out!

Now, how about all those reboots, reimaginings, and retreads?

Then there's a film like War for the Planet of the Apes that belongs in both categories above.

Or—wait for it—a movie that defies classification: The Emoji Movie. [insert "speechless" emjoi].

And lastly, some new adaptations of fan fav fiction:

And yes, there will actually be more movies coming out than the one's listed above (and here is a complete list of summer movie releases this year, for those keeping score at home), so perhaps my only hope to catch something different this long, hot summer may be one of these few flicks:

Although more than likely, the few flicks above will only be around for a week or so at theaters, so room can be made for—you guessed it—more summer blockbusters.

And honestly, I'm kind of ok with that. With free streaming content everywhere nowadays, exclusive cable shows, and online binge-watchable series as well, I have more than enough to watch and keep up with. My pop culture addiction is constantly being satisfied by more entertainment than I can humanly consume. The Free Library definitely plays into the above equation, as I have a triple-digit to-watch list sitting in my Hoopla account (our awesome streaming digital media service, natch!) and multiple holds on DVDs and Blu-rays to checkout in our vast and ever-growing catalog.

My Free Library card is indeed the only movie ticket I think I am going to need this summer.

And hey, there's always the option to turn away from all those flickering screens and just sit back and settle in with a good book ; )

What movies are you looking forward to possibly seeing this summer? Let us know in the comments below!

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I'm a fan of most kid movies
Arin McCoy - Philadelphia
Tuesday, June 6, 2017