Read and Rise: Literacy-rich Activities for Summer Camp Providers, Educators, and Parents!

By Elizabeth K. RSS Fri, May 11, 2018

Read and Rise provides books and curriculum to integrate literacy-rich activities into summer camp programs.
Read and Rise is sponsored by Read by 4th and managed by the Free Library of Philadelphia. Read by 4th is a citywide effort working towards a common vision—where all children in Philadelphia are prepared to read on grade level by the time they begin 4th grade.

Did you know?
During the summer months, students often lose 2-3 months of the reading skills they’ve gained during the school year. This summer learning loss, known as summer slide, can be a major reason why children read below grade level as they get older.

Reading regularly over the summer can help children avoid the summer slide. Read and Rise camps receive books and (easy!) literacy-rich activities to help campers keep their reading skills sharp.

Our curriculum and training will help camp staff to easily integrate literacy enrichment activities into existing programs. Camps will receive ongoing support to make sure the program works for the camp’s unique needs.

You can help!
Are you a summer camp provider? Do you know a summer camp that might be interested in participating? View the following flyer for more info and then fill out the application—registration is still open! 

Camps that participate in Read and Rise receive:

  • Read-aloud kits (multiple titles, each with lesson plans and activity ideas)
  • An Independent reading collection
  • Literacy games
  • Staff training and help with integrating activities
  • Onsite support from a Literacy Coach
  • Recognition for participation

Past participants include Congreso de Latinos Unidos, Education Works, Lenfest Center, Sunrise of Philadelphia, The Salvation Army, and many more!

If you have any questions about Read and Rise, please contact the Youth Services & Programs office at

Have a question for Free Library staff? Please submit it to our Ask a Librarian page and receive a response within two business days.

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I am the Education Coordinator at Children's Playhouse Early Learning Center. I attended the training on Wednesday 6/27 at which time there was mention of additional Reader's Theater examples being available on the website. Is this true and if so, can you direct me on where to look? Thank you in advance.
Vicky Visconto - Philadelphia
Friday, June 29, 2018

I am a case manager looking for a literacy program for a 14 year old boy.
shakia harris - North Philadelphia
Tuesday, July 3, 2018