Introducing the Free Library’s Author Events YouTube Channel!
By Author Events
We know that not everyone is lucky enough to live in Philadelphia. For those who aren’t able to make it to our diverse line-up of author talks in person—no worries! You can now watch them streamed live on our new Author Events YouTube channel!
Just hearing about the Free Library Author Events series? We’ve got you covered there, too. Since 2014, we’ve been recording, editing, and posting (most of) our events online, bringing the count to somewhere north of 450 videos. Subject matter ranges from literary fiction, nonfiction, biographies, and memoirs to culinary, political fare, and history—even children's books. Everyone from award-winning authors, musicians, and artists to sports figures, media icons, literary legends, and even controversial personalities all make appearances in our videos.
It’s important to note that shortly after each event (usually the next day) we weed out the filler at the beginning, the end, any long transitions between questions, and basically any spot with dead air, but are careful not to change, edit, or alter the event’s content.
We also offer most of our talks as audio podcasts, so you can listen on the go or anytime!
Why both versions? So that you can experience these talks via whatever medium best works for you! And so that the information, wisdom, wit, facts, and storytelling can be consumed by as wide an audience as possible. Speaking of which, if you have suggestions for our YouTube channel, feel free to email the team at
Head on over to our Author Events YouTube channel today, browse and watch some videos, leave a comment, and click the subscribe button!
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