We are happy to announce the new Autism 365 Collection at the Wynnefield Library!
Autism 365 was an idea that Ethel Funches, LA1 and Mary Kachline, LA3, came up with to make Autism Awareness 365 days a year and not just during National Autism Acceptance Month in April. We have worked hard to gather materials and plan programming for individuals with Autism and their families/caregivers, putting together books, both fiction and nonfiction, and DVDs about Autism in one specialized library location. This easy to find and use collection contains both Adult and Children’s materials, and materials can also be searched and put on hold through our online catalog.
Also, Susan Ben, LS1, has moved the Parent/Teacher collection next to the Autism Collection to make finding what parents needed easier. We are also working on Autism Borrowing Bags for parents; each bag will have books and sensory toys for the parent to use with their child. The idea is to help find what children will like without spending a lot of money (all toys will be sanitized upon return).
Every 2nd Saturday of the month, we will be hosting a sensory fun day with an Autism Block Party. Individuals on the spectrum are welcome to come in and play with the homemade sand, scented and rainbow rice, and water beads. Prizes are won for those who find all of the hidden items in the sand, rice, and water beads. We will also have a tossing game, puzzles, and blocks to work with. This program is not limited to just children, any person on the Autism spectrum is welcome, as well as their families.
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On Wednesday, March 4, join us for an interactive hour of rights-based information followed by a question and answer session! Participants will learn the basics about Special Education, practical tips for advocating on behalf of students with disabilities, and more about the free resources offered by the Education Law Center. Pre-Registration is required for this event.
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We will continue to plan future programs for parents/caregivers to help and supply resources and information on the lifelong road that is Autism.
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