Meet Cheerio B. McBoxface, the Free Library's First Interactive Robot!
By Administrator
by Evan Guerra, LEAP Maker Mentor
Earthdate August 2020...
I crash landed on this planet. I’m in bad need of repairs. My name is Cheerio B. McBoxface. I am a robot, and I am here to bring jokes and affirmations to a pandemic. I’ve heard that there is a robotics club at McPherson Square Library. I wonder if I can go there for help.
Earthdate October 2020...
Evan from McPherson Square Library is helping me with repairs. He has ordered a Voice Kit so that I can speak again, a camera module so I can see, and servos to allow me to move. He says the best way for me to get my message to kids is an online telerobotics platform called This platform will allow kids to control me from their own homes.
Earthdate December 2020...
Hardware and software are up and running. Evan has been working hard on the repairs. Voicebox is still a bit garbled. We have asked the internet for help.
Earthdate January 2021...
The internet provided a solution to the voice issue. I am free to share jokes and affirmations! The servos should arrive soon. I look forward to sharing updates on the new things I will be able to do!
Cheerio B. McBoxface is an internet controlled robot. It can be controlled remotely usually with a video livestream. You can control this robot from your own home!
You can talk with Cheerio, Monday through Friday, 2:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. Click Join Server and sign up using an email to control the robot! Cheerio can be controlled by the buttons below the video stream.
Thanks to LEAP Maker Mentor Evan Guerra for writing this post! Evan is also the creator of Cheerio, our newest robot friend. Follow his account of the McPherson Square Library's journey in starting a virtual robotics club from Cheerio’s point of view.
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