Happy Book Lovers Day!

By Kate C. RSS Mon, August 9, 2021

In honor of Book Lovers Day, our staff shared what a perfect day of reading looks like to them, and we're inspired! Here's to a marvelous day of celebrating our favorite pastime and the books we love!

"I am an indoor bookworm, so I have a number of different reading spots at my apartment. This (pictured) has been a reading spot that I spend time at. My bookcase is nearby. There is enough lighting, and if I am here, I usually and I like to have a drink nearby." – Linda Y., Northeast Regional Library

"My ideal reading spot is anywhere I can sit outside in the shade. If there is something to sit on, like a bench or a chair, that’s cool, but I don’t mind sitting in the grass or on a blanket or towel. I’ve even used a sweater as a seat before. I just like to feel the breeze in my hair and let nature provide the perfect soundtrack to whatever I’m reading. Plus, since I like to read spooky books, being outside makes me a little less scared!" – Echo P., Walnut Street West Library

"My current ideal reading spot during the summer is outside on my roof deck. Getting away from my computer screen is hard, but always a rewarding decision if some reading time is the reward. Fresh air, sunshine, garden vegetation, a comfy chair, and a cold beverage help complement any reading material!" – Peter SM, IT Department

"My ideal reading spot is my comfy, bright yellow chair! I usually have at least two books, and my Kindle, stacked on the table with a cup of coffee nearby. It has the perfect view out a window, with an equally comfortable bright yellow ottoman! – Mary W., Parkway Central Library Children's Department

"My favorite place to read is on my couch among my nest of blankets and pillows with a warm mug of coffee or tea." – Dana G., Lovett Memorial Library

"My ideal reading spot is anywhere that is quiet (and not too quiet–if there is some kind of humming around, that’s fine!) and has a lot of lighting! One of my favorite spots is reading at Core Creek Park by the water on a bench under the shade with a nice breeze. My boyfriend will join me and it’s nice having his company there even though we’re reading two completely different stories! My books are very valuable to me, so I don’t usually like to have a snack or drink around me. Books have saved me in so many ways, and my life literally is surrounded by books, that as long as I can escape into a story not realizing how much time has passed, I’m okay." – Lauren G., Northeast Regional Library

"I'll do it almost anywhere—in the grass or in line, on the couch or on the trolley, at the park or at the table—but for a place to be good for reading, I have one criterion: it must be out of earshot of any distinct conversation. This doesn't mean my dream spot is an isolation chamber, but rather an environment with a polite hum. The best ambient noise for me is lapping water (my go-to reading nook is at Bartram's Garden) though my favorite jam, "Smoothed Brown Noise 8-hours—Remastered" is a perfectly okay substitute. – Lane, Culinary Literacy Center

Need more inspiration? Find something wonderful in our catalog and get reading! Let us know in the comments: What's YOUR dream reading scenario? 

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