Nourishing Literacy | Planting Story Seeds with Madame Marie and Her Magic Garden
By Shayna M.
Nourish your literacy by creating stories from scratch—with a seed starter!
Chrissy loves to read, write, and tell stories. Her suggested steps for creating folklore were offered back when she was Talking About Tomatoes!
The story Chrissy started during that time was inspired by tomato seeds. Now this story is a fully grown tale, with twists and turns that might keep you on your toma'toes!
The Nourishing Literacy team has turned Chrissy's story, Madame Marie and Her Magic Garden, into a visual and audio piece to share and It has been so awesome to watch this seed grow!
Huge gratitude to the following amazing people for bringing this seed to harvest:
- Thank you to Chrissy Dumostil for writing and narrating the special and suspenseful Madame Marie and Her Magic Garden.
- Thank you to Frank Alston Abbott for designing beautiful illustrations.
- Thank you to Sunshine for adding sparkle and spice to the audio.
- Thank you to Kait Privitera for editing this wonderful video.
What story might you be able to create?
Here's an idea to try: listen to Chrissy's story starter in our Talking About Tomatoes! video and design a unique middle and end! What happens to Madame Marie's tomato and garden in your version of the story?
If you would like a customized seed starter for a story and / or if you have a story that you would like to share with us, please reach out to kitchen @
Nourishing Literacy offers food, literacy, wellness, and life skills activities and events to community members, with our core audience being the children, youth, teachers, and caregivers. Nourishing Literacy is made possible in part by a generous grant from the Edna G. Kynett Memorial Foundation.
To learn more about the Culinary Literacy Center, please visit our website or connect with us through Instagram and Facebook.
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