bell hooks and picture books

By Monica C. RSS Thu, December 16, 2021

You may know bell hooks for her innovative and tranformative works in literature, poetry, and feminist studies. 

Did you know she also wrote picture books? 

These titles are not to be missed!

Homemade Love written by bell hooks; illustrated by Shane Evans

Her Mama calls her Girlpie—a sweet treat, homemade with love. And when Girlpie makes a mistake, the love of her mother and father lets her pick up the pieces and make everything right again.

Happy to Be Nappy written by bell hooks; illustrated by Chris Raschka

Celebrates the joy and beauty of nappy hair. Nominated for an NAACP Image Award, here is a buoyantly fun read aloud brimming with playful and powerful affirmations.

Be Boy Buzz written by bell hooks, illustrated by Chris Raschka

Celebrates being Bold, All Bliss Boy, All Bad Boy Beast, Boy running, Boy Jumping, Boy Sitting Down, and being in Love With Being a Boy.

Grump Groan Growl written by bell hooks; illustrated by Chris Raschka

ebook available from Overdrive

Rhythmic text exposes a bad mood on the prowl and advises the reader not to hide, but to let those feelings be. 

Skin Again written by bell hooks; illustrated by Chris Raschka

ebook available from Overdrive

Race matters, but what's most important is who we are on the inside. Looking beyond skin, going straight to the heart, we find in each other the treasures stored down deep. Learning to cherish those treasures, to be all we imagine ourselves to be, makes us free.  A new edition of this book is schedule to be published in August 2022!

We are sorry to have lost a legendary poet and scholar, as well as amazing picture book writer!

Be sure to check our catalog and Overdrive Kids eReading Room, for these titles and many more being added!

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