Picture Book Highlights | Year of the Tiger

By Monica C. RSS Mon, January 31, 2022

Happy Lunar New Year! 2022 is the Year of the Tiger.

While we wait for the big day, which this year falls on February 1, how about we read some books with this beautiful and fearsome animal as a character? In these stories, tigers are protective, playful, adventurous, legendary, and good friends.


Board Books

Mama Tiger, Tiger Cub by Steve Light
Mama Tiger swims up a zigzag river full of slippery fish, climbs onto a shady branch of a big tree, and follows a bird into fragrant flowers. What is Mama Tiger looking for? And what will she do once she finds it?

One Happy Tiger by Catherine Rayner
One tiger sits all alone, feeling sad. Then he finds two bright bugs, three colorful birds, and more. Soon, he isn’t sad anymore. Children will learn to count from 1 to 10 as they travel with the tiger to each new adventure in this beautiful book of friendship.


Picture Books

Little Tigers by Jo Weaver
As hunters approach in the jungle, Mother Tiger and her cubs, Puli and Sera, must venture out to find a new home away from danger. Together, they explore different homes, but the ones they find aren’t suited for tigers. Some are too wet, some are too dry, and some are just downright unwelcoming. But with their mother’s help, they may be able to find one that’s just right.

Camp Tiger written by Susan Choi; illustrated by John Rocco

ebook available from Overdrive.

Every year, a boy and his family go camping at Mountain Pond. Usually, they see things like an eagle fishing for his dinner, a salamander with red spots on its back, and chipmunks that come to steal food while the family sits by the campfire. But this year is different. This year, the boy is going into first grade, and his mother is encouraging him to do things on his own, just like his older brother. And the most different thing of all this year is when a tiger appears in the woods...

Tiny Feet Between the Mountains by Hanna Cha
Soe-In is a tiny child in a village full of large people. She struggles with completing chores due to her size, but she never gives up. One day, when the sky grows dark and full of smoke, Soe-In volunteers to travel into the tall mountains to investigate. She’s surprised to find a spirit tiger there and learn he has swallowed the sun by mistake! To help the spirit tiger and her village, Soe-In must come up with a clever idea to solve this gigantic problem. And while she’s at it, she just may prove that the smallest people often have the biggest, bravest hearts.

Mr. Tiger Goes Wild by Peter Brown
Are you bored with being so proper? Do you want to have more fun? Mr. Tiger knows exactly how you feel. So he decides to go wild. But does he go too far?

Tiger in My Soup written by Kashmira Sheth; illustrated by Jeffrey Ebbeler
Sometimes it’s almost impossible to get your big sister to read your favorite book to you. Sometimes you have to go to great lengths even to get her attention! But if you’re really creative and use your imagination, you might just get what you want. Take care, though, not to go too far. Once you conjure up a tiger, there’s no telling where it might lead…

It's a Tiger written by David LaRochelle; illustrated by Jeremy Tankard

ebook available from Overdrive

A child imagines that he is in a story where he encounters a tiger at every turn.

Be sure to check our catalog and Overdrive Kids eReading Room, for these titles and many more being added!

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