Celebrate Welcoming Week 2024 with the Free Library

By Betsy M. RSS Thu, September 12, 2024

"Welcoming Week honors the contributions of immigrants and recognizes that our communities are stronger — and more prosperous — when we are welcoming." - Alain Joinville, Office of Immigrant Affairs

According to Pew Trusts, 15% of Philadelphia residents moved here from another country. People move here from China, the Dominican Republic, Vietnam, Haiti, Brazil, and many other countries. As the library of a Welcoming City, the Free Library of Philadelphia is excited to celebrate another Welcoming Week!

Through Welcoming Week, the Free Library and other Philadelphia organizations unite neighbors of all backgrounds to build connections and affirm the importance of welcoming and inclusive places in achieving collective prosperity. This year’s theme is "We’re All In," signifying that our communities are better when we all work together. Read on to learn more about the different programs this Welcoming Week!

The Culinary Literacy Center will offer a Taste of Edible Alphabet on September 16 at 6:00 p.m! Edible Alphabet is a free English language-learning program that teaches English language and literacy skills through hands-on cooking projects. Students learn vocabulary and grammar, as well as practice listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English, all while cooking a new delicious recipe every week. In this Welcoming Week special event, Edible Alphabet English staff and participants will lead an international cooking demonstration and tasting. Join us for this free event and enjoy an evening of fun, food, and community!

The Business Resource and Innovation Center will host a Welcoming Week at the BRIC information session on September 18 at 5:30 p.m. Librarians will introduce electronic services, books, consulting services, and more. If you are interested in starting a business or nonprofit, stop by and you can set up an appointment with one of our librarians. Light refreshments will be provided, so register now!

Philadelphia City Institute is hosting a Welcoming Week Dessert Potluck on September 23 at 5:30 p.m! Bring a dessert that represents your cultural heritage and taste desserts from other cultures. Be sure to portion your dessert for sharing and bring a list of ingredients. Registration is required and can be completed at the Philadelphia City Institute reference desk.

In addition to these special events, the Free Library offers English Conversation Groups year-round. Conversation groups create casual environments to meet new people while practicing conversational English. Groups take place in Free Library locations and online, and facilitators are always welcoming new members!

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