To the Left, To the Left

By Communications Office RSS Wed, October 24, 2007

In his new book, The Conscience of a Liberal, Paul Krugman writes: “When [George W.] Bush moved into the White House, movement conservatism finally found itself in control of all the levers of power--and quickly proved itself unable to govern. The movement's politicization of everything, the way it values political loyalty above all else, creates a culture of cronyism and corruption that has pervaded everything the Bush administration does, from the failed reconstruction of Iraq to the hapless response to Hurricane Katrina. The multiple failures of the Bush administration are what happens when the government is run by a movement that is dedicated to policies that are against most Americans' interests, and must try to compensate for that inherent weakness through deception, distraction, and the distribution of largesse to its supporters.” If you’re on board so far--click here to read a longer excerpt--consider stopping by the Central Library tomorrow, Thursday, October 25, at 8:00 p.m. Click here for ticket info.

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power is always in relation to weakness. causes of weakness: I)laziness-2)religion-3)not understanding reality,therefore history-4)Inability to ask:why,how,when,where,whom? 5)anticommunist histeria 6)Videocracy hence garbage television viewing. Never blame the brute force, we must blame our own inability of knowing how to deal with it.
Elisa - Philadelphia
Tuesday, March 16, 2010