Achieving Reunification Center Information Table
Nicetown-Tioga Library
Stop by to speak to the Community Engagement Unit from the Achieving Reunification Center (ARC). ARC works with parents and caregivers over the age of 18 who have a child in out-of-home placement with a goal of getting their children back home. ARC works to break down barriers as they navigate through the reunification process. Their coaches provide support every step of the way.
ARC can provide the following to parents/caregivers in order to meet their Single Case Plan goals and move closer to reunification:
- Coaching
- Parenting education, skills and supports
- Behavioral health supports
- Housing education and supports
- Financial education and employment supports
For more information about the Achieving Reunification Center, click here.
Thursdays in March, from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Nicetown-Tioga Library
3720 North Broad Street (Broad St. & Erie Ave.)
Philadelphia, PA 19140-3608