Text a Question to a Librarian

An example of a fitting text question is, "What statue is on top of City Hall?" A librarian might respond, "The statue on top of City Hall is William Penn, a bronze statue by Alexander Milne Calder"
(160 characters or less)
215-709-5827If your questions are more involved, consider emailing, chatting with a Librarian, or calling. Staff are not able to answer questions about your Library Account through text messaging. Please contact your neighborhood library if you have questions about the items you have checked out, fines, renewals, or your account.
The Free Library does not charge for this service and the Free Library does not receive revenue from any phone provider. Text message and data rates from your cell phone providers may apply. Consult your service provider for details about charges for text messaging on your service plan. The Free Library of Philadelphia assumes no responsibility for any charges your phone provider may assess you for when sending or receiving messages using this service.
Most questions will be answered within two hours. Questions received after service hours will be answered when service resumes.
If you do not receive a response to your question within 72 hours, it may be due to a telecommunications problem. You may want to ask your question by:
- chatting with a Librarian online
- calling our helpline
1-833-TALK FLP (825-5357) .
The Free Library is not responsible for text messages we do not receive or for delays due to telecommunications carrier or internet connectivity failures.
Your privacy is important to us, and the Free Library of Philadelphia is committed to protecting the privacy of our patrons. The Text a Librarian service collects limited personal information in order to respond to questions submitted by patrons and gather general usage and quality statistics. All text messages sent to and from the Text a Librarian service are directed through standard telecommunication and Internet channels.