F. Grote & Co.'s exhibit

Centennial Exhibition
F. Grote & Co.'s exhibit

Item Info

Item No: c022221
Title: F. Grote & Co.'s exhibit
Additional Title: Ivory Articles
Series: Photograph Series II
Media Type: Albumen Prints
Notes: 1 silver albumen print; 26 x 21 cm.
Notes: Exhibit title: F. Grote & Co., New York, N.Y., Exhibit #1051, Main Exhibition Building, Bldg. #1.
Notes: Mounted on backing board.
Notes: Stuffed toy elephant on top of display case. Inside case are hair combs, walking stick handles, a chess set, mallets, balls, chains and pendants all made of ivory. To the left are animal furs.
Notes: Title on label: Ivory articles.
Creator Name: Centennial Photographic Co.