
Item Info

Item No: mcat082421
Title: [Recognizance]
Folio Number: front
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: Memorandum quod die Octavio anno Regni d(omi)nen(ost)re Elizabeth dei gra(tia) Anglie...Quadragessimo secundo. Stephane Bengemine of Letrorne in the country of Kent, tanner, William Vincle of the same place, butler and John Lonis of the same place, tanner, appeared before Edward Filmer, justice and put up money as a band, which will be forfeited if Stephan does not keep the peace, according the condition in English on the reverse side.
Country: Country:England

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1600
Image Dimensions Width: 12.6 cm
ShelfMark: Lewis T242

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