Butter & Cheese Factory

Centennial Exhibition
Butter & Cheese Factory

Item Info

Item No: c090150
Title: Butter & Cheese Factory
Additional Title: Butter & Cheese Factory
Series: Lithograph
Media Type: Lithographs
Notes: "Butter & Kase Fabrik, Edificio de mantequilla y cueso, Fabrication du beure et du formage [sic]."

Lithograph Caption:

Butter and cheese, until within a few years, were in this country what might be called individual products – that is, they were manufactured by farmers, each for himself, upon his own premises, and in his own way. The preparation of these substances was a daily occupation – as much so as cooking or feeding stock. The result has always been peculiar differences in the quality of butter and the consistency of cheese, dependent upon the skill and care of those who had charge of the dairy. The idea of utilizing the milk product and its manufacture, so as to produce the uniformity and excellence which are to be obtained by association, specific method and scientific processes best attainable under the control of corporations, is a modern one, and may be said to be entirely American. The co-operation of the various companies engaged in this manufacture has resulted in the construction of the American Dairymen's Association Building in the Centennial grounds. Whilst the structure is well adapted for the purpose designed and is of pleasing appearance, utility has been studied, so as to ensure the desired effect without extravagant outlay. The improved butter and cheese building stands a little east of Agricultural Hall and overhangs Belmont valley. It consists of a main building 110 feet in length and 36 in width, with two wings each 80 x 32 feet, extending eastward from the main structure. A piazza 8 feet in width surrounds three sides of the building. The factory is two stories in height, with attics. The roof is steep pitched, and a square tower rises in the centre at the intersection of the main building and wings. The exterior is painted in light colors, and presents a pleasing appearance. The cost of this building was $20,000. The interior is fitted up principally for purposes of exhibition, but also to illustrate practically the process by which the benevolent lacteal contributions of the placid cow are transmuted into the unctuous composition or transformed into the more solid and substantial edible. The most modern processes used in this manufacture are here displayed as in a practical working dairy. The raising of the cream, the churning of the butter, the solidification of the cheese, and all the processes attending the business, are displayed with the apparatus – churns, vats, presses, pools and other utensils. The butter-room is a great refrigerator, cool and admirably adapted to keep the special article of interest firm and sweet. All these processes are open to the examination of the visitor through a glass partition, which extends along one side of the hall and affords him a full view of the manner in which the labor is conducted. For exhibition the cheese- and butter-rooms furnish samples from more than 2000 American dairies and factories, demonstrating the magnitude and importance of this interest and showing the superiority of the method of operation. The articles exhibited, being perishable, are constantly changed, the butter and cheese being sold and disposed of and new samples brought in. The design seems to be to make this building something like an exchange, which will be of benefit to the dairymen of the country and serve to convince foreigners of the value of the business. The butter trade of the United States is increasing rapidly. In the fiscal year of 1874-5 the exports of butter amounted to 4,150,000 pounds. The value of the entire butter product of the country has been estimated at $420,600,000. The current production of cheese is estimated at about 300,000,000 pounds. American cheese is now a valuable export which finds ready sale in Europe.

Notes: 1 lithograph; 12 x 22 cm.
Notes: Removed from: Centennial portfolio / Thompson Westcott. Philadelphia : T. Hunter, 1876.
Notes: The Building, situated in a grassy field, with trees in the background and people strolling in the foreground.
Creator Name: Westcott, Thompson. Centennial portfolio.
Thomas Hunter, lithographer.