Japanese Dwelling

Centennial Exhibition
Japanese Dwelling

Item Info

Item No: c090230
Title: Japanese Dwelling
Additional Title: Japanese Dwelling
Series: Lithograph
Media Type: Lithographs
Notes: "Japanesisches Wohnhaus, Pavillon du Japon."

Lithograph Caption:

This house, during its erection, created more curiosity and attracted infinitely more visitors than any other building on the grounds. It was erected by native Japanese workmen, with materials brought from home, and built in their own manner with curious tools and yet more curious manual processes. In fact, the whole work seemed to be executed upon exactly reverse methods of carpentering to those in use in this country. The building is situate west of the British Buildings. It was put together without the use of iron. The different parts were mortised, beveled, dovetailed and joined, and where it was necessary to use any other fastenings wooden pins were employed. The woods are of fine grain, carefully planed and finished, and the house, which is the best-built structure on the Centennial grounds, was as nicely put together as a piece of cabinet-work. The lower story of the outside is surrounded by wooden lattice-work, which slides backward and forward, and opens or closes the prospect from the windows of the interior, which are at some little distance within. The second story has solid wooden movable panels on the outside, which may be opened for air or light, or which may be entirely closed in storms or when the sunlight is too strong. The roof is covered with heavy black earthen tiles, which were laid upon a sort of colored mortar; these tiles are ornamented at the edge of the roof by being painted white. The doorway, surmounted by a porch, is not in the centre of the front, but on one side; it is very carefully ornamented in the prevailing style of the rest of the building. Immediately over the entrance step, under the pediment, is an exceedingly fine specimen of carving in wood, with flowers, birds and other objects. Two wings extend northward from the main portion of the dwelling, enclosing a courtyard, which is fenced in, ensuring privacy. This unique building is one of the most noted curiosities of the Exhibition. It is occupied as a dwelling by several Japanese exhibitors. In style, ornamentation and care of construction it is far superior to the Japanese chop-house, 100 x 20 feet, with a wing on each side, 45 feet long, which is north of the House of Public Comfort. The interior of the dwelling is covered with costly carpets of odd design. The walls are hung with curtains of vegetable fibre, which keep out the sun, but admit the air.

Notes: 1 lithograph; 12 x 22 cm.
Notes: Architect: Matsuo-Ehe.
Notes: Removed from: Centennial portfolio / Thompson Westcott. Philadelphia : T. Hunter, 1876.
Notes: The Building, surrounded by a wooden fence, in a landscaped field also with fence. People stroll in the foreground and background. Partial view of Mississippi State Building in background.
Creator Name: Westcott, Thompson. Centennial portfolio.
Thomas Hunter, lithographer.