Chart of Consanguinity

Medieval Manuscripts
Chart of Consanguinity

Item Info

Item No: mca0691842
Title: Chart of Consanguinity
Additional Title: Digest of German Legal Codes
Script: Cursive gothic
Language: Upper German
Folio Number: f. 184v
Source: Rare Book Department

Chart of Consanguinity


This digest of German legal codes contains the Landrecht (Common Law) and Lehnrecht (Fedual Law) of the Schwabenspiegel (literally, the "Mirror of the Swabians"), the Augsburg Sachsenspiegel, promulgations of peace (Reichs-Landfriede) by various German Holy Roman Emperors, and a chart of consanguinity.

Country: Country:Germany

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1399
Image Dimensions Width: 312 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E 69

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