Enarratio in prophetam Isaiam

Medieval Manuscripts
Enarratio in prophetam Isaiam

Item Info

Item No: mca2510052
Title: Enarratio in prophetam Isaiam
Additional Title: Fragment of an Old Testament with patristic commentaries
Script: Minuscule bouletée
Language: Greek
Folio Number: f. 5v
Original Year/Month/Day: 913-914
Source: Rare Book Department

Nadezhda Kavrus-Hoffmann identified the parent manuscript of this fragment as Codex Athens, National Library of Greece 2641, an Old Testament with patristic commentaries commissioned by the patrician Samonas (a favorite of Emperor Leo VI) from the cleric Joseph in 913/914. Her analysis was based on the script, size, ruling pattern and contents, the results of which are summarized in her article, “Lost and Found Folios of Codex Athens, National Library of Greece 2641: Philadelphia, Free Library, Fragment Lewis E 251.” Rivista di studi Bizantini e Neoellenici 42 (2005): 93-104.

Country: Country:Greece

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 925
Image Dimensions Width: 360 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E 251
Creator Name: Basil of Caesarea - Author
Joseph - Scribe

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