Miniature depicting All Saints

Medieval Manuscripts Medieval Manuscript Fragments
Miniature depicting All Saints

Item Info

Item No: mcai150081
Title: Miniature depicting All Saints
Additional Title: Miniature depicting All Saints
Folio Number: front
Source: Rare Book Department

Miniature depicting All Saints.

Lawrence of Rome, tonsured as deacon, with right hand holding instrument of martyrdom, gridiron. Stephen Protomartyr, tonsured as deacon, stone in head, with right hand holding martyr's palm and with left hand holding book on which are three stones. Denis of Paris, as bishop, with gloved hand holding mitered head. Tonsured deacon or monk. Christopher of Lycia, carrying Christ Child on shoulder, with staff. All nimbed, except the Christopher, and accompanied by group of nimbed saints, most with only nimbi visible and tops of four martyr's palms visible.

Many thanks to Jessica Savage of the Index of Christian Art for her contribution on this image.

Country: Country:France

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1499
ShelfMark: Lewis E M 15:8

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