ALs to Mrs. Frances Wilkes Colden

Charles Dickens
ALs to Mrs. Frances Wilkes Colden

Item Info

Item No: cdc197001
Title: ALs to Mrs. Frances Wilkes Colden
Accession Number: 79-1166
Physical Description: [3] pages

                                                                                                                            Clifton House, Niagara Falls.
                                                                                                                                     Twenty Ninth April 1842.
My better Angel.
    If this should meet HIS eye, I trust to you to throw dust into the same. HIS suspicions must not be aroused.
    HE says that I have applied tender epithets to a certain Mrs. D. I repel the charge with indignation. Alas his motive is but too apparent! He conceives that by piquing you, and rousing your - forgive me for the application of such a term to your ethereal nature - your vanity, he will disrupt that bond between us, which is nothing but that (and Death) can ever sever. HE IS A SERPENT. You are the Bride of a Scorpion - Like the (I forget the animal's name but you will find it in any book of Natural History, dearest) - his sting is in his Tale - this tale - which I pronounce to be base and calumnious.
    And could you? - but no - no - I am sure you couldn't!
    I have thrown my feelings into verse; you will find it neatly copied on the other side. Forgive my presumption. I scarely know what I write. It is difficult to be coherent, with a bosom full of arrows. Inclosed is a groan. I shall not miss it. I have a great many left.
    Take no heed of HIM or HIS reports. Be true to me, and we may defy HIS malice. - When I think of HIS futile attempts to tear two hearts asunder that are so closely knit together, I laugh like a Fiend.
                                                                                              Ha! ha! ha!

Air - "London now is out of Town."

Sweet Woman is of many kinds;
She sometimes is propi-tious;
She sometimes has a Thousand minds;
Sometimes is rayther wi-cious.
Above her sex, my love doth shine,
Though by no means a bold 'un,
"I'd crowns resign, to call her mine"
- Her name is Missis ......
-Poor Frankenstein, that Prince of fools
Why grim male monster made he,
When with the self-same clay and tools
He might have build a Lady!
How wealthy in the Worlds effects,
If he had made and sold 'un,
So wery prime in all respects
As charming Missis ......!
But vain reflection! who could rear,
On scaffold, pier or starling,
A creetur half so bright or dear,
As my unmentioned Darling!
No artist in the World's broad ways
Could ever carve or mould 'un,
That might aspire to lace the stays
O charming Mrs......

MssDate: Twenty Ninth April 1842
Media Type: Letters
Source: Rare Book Department
Recipient: Colden, Frances Wilkes, b.1796?
Provenance: Sotheby 14 Mar 79 through MacManus, EANX Christmas Card Fund SSXX Gratz HXX Benoliel N


The Letters of Charles Dickens, Pilgrim Edition, Volume Three, 1842-1843, p. 219.

Country: Creation Place Note:Clifton House
City/Town/Township:Niagara Falls, Ontario

Call Number: DL C673f 1842-04-29
Creator Name: Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 - Author

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