Franklin Book & Job Printing Establishment, Rear of 52 N. Sixth St. Philadelphia

Historical Images of Philadelphia Philadelphiana
Franklin Book & Job Printing Establishment, Rear of 52 N. Sixth St. Philadelphia

Item Info

Item No: pdcp00427
Title: Franklin Book & Job Printing Establishment, Rear of 52 N. Sixth St. Philadelphia
Additional Title: Newspaper, Book and Plain & Fancy job printing.
Historic Street Address: Rear of 52 N. Sixth Street, Philadelphia PA
Media Type: Engravings
Source: Print and Picture Collection

Civil War era advertisement.

Document header text: " A Union of Lakes and a Union of Lands, A Union of States none can sever, A Union of Hearts and a Union of Hands, And the FLAG of our UNION FOR EVER."

Document footer text: "There are now but Two Parties in this Country, the Friends and the Enemiesof the Government. EVERY MAN who does not stand up for all nmeasures that may be adopted for the maintenance of the HONOR OF OUR COUNTRY, at whatever Cost of BLOOD or MONEY that may be necessary, is A TRAITOR AT HEART."

Left margin text: "The Flag of our Country, long may it wave, O'er the land of the free & home of the brave."

Right margin text: "No pent up Utica contracts our powers, But the whole Boundless Continent is Ours." 

Creator Name: Unknown