Book of Hours, use of Rennes

Medieval Manuscripts Widener
Book of Hours, use of Rennes

Item Info

Item No: mcaw041952
Title: Book of Hours, use of Rennes
Additional Title: Book of Hourse, use of Rennes
Folio Number: f. 195v
Source: Rare Book Department

This manuscript has been dated to ca. 1405. The scribe Johannes Parvus signed his name on f. 206v.

This text is the reverse of the miniature for the Suffrage to St. Apollonia of Alexandria. According to the legend, she was tortured by having her teeth pulled out before throwing herself into the same fire that the soldiers of the Emperor Philip used to threaten her to renounce her faith. For this reason, she has became the patron saint of tooth ailments, and later, dentistry.

Torture of St. Apollonia

Sirsi Catalog Key: 1457701
ShelfMark: Widener 4
Creator Name: Johannes Parvus (a.k.a. Jean Le Petit) - Scribe

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