Chrysler Lebaron Medallion 2-door with optional sun roof (top). Medallion 4-door (bottom).

Automobile Reference Domestic Cars, Makes A-Z
Chrysler Lebaron Medallion 2-door with optional sun roof (top). Medallion 4-door (bottom).

Item Info

Item No: arcd02459
Title: Chrysler Lebaron Medallion 2-door with optional sun roof (top). Medallion 4-door (bottom).
Media Type: Photographic Prints
Source: Automobile Reference Collection

Chrysler-Plymouth News Photo

LUXURY LeBARON -- Elegance at a practical sticker price characterizes the 1979 Chrysler LeBaron Line. (Top) Medallion 2-door with optional sun roof; (below) Medallion 4-door.

From: Chrysler-Plymouth Public Relations, P.O. Box 1919, Detroit, Mi. 48288

For Release On or After 7 P.M., Wednesday, September 20, 1978

Creation Year: 1979
