Rechenbuch für Henrich Bollerheÿ

Rechenbuch für Henrich Bollerheÿ

Item Info

Item No: frkm108000
Title: Rechenbuch für Henrich Bollerheÿ
Scripts/Text: Fraktur; German script; Roman script
Language: German; Latin
Physical Description: 187 leaves
Watermark: Laid paper; ink.

p. 18] Lern mit Fleiss, / das Ein mahl ein/ So wird dir alle Rechnung

In Jesu nahmen seÿ, / diess Rechnen Angefangen,/ der gebe
gnädiglich, / das Kunst ist zu Erlangen.

Omnia Conando Docilis, Solertia, Fincit [Vincit]

[p.254] Johann Henrich Bolllerheÿ / Zergen denche october / 1797


[p. 18] Learn earnestly the one times one table, and all arithmetic will be easy for you.

I’m starting to learn arithmetic in the name of Jesus. May He be so merciful that I succeed.

By application a docile shrewdness conquers every difficulty. (Manilius)

[p.254] Johann Henrich Bolllerheÿ, Zwergen denshe, October, 1797

Category: Ciphering book (Rechenbuch)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Binding: Partially missing.  Quarter-bound in heavy dark brown leather over boards--the boards are water-damaged and the top layer is missing. Much of the leather portion is missing, as well.

About the Manuscript
Flyleaf; Titlepage; 10 pages of Fraktur majuscule (sometimes 2 or 3 variants of same letter) & miniscule letters (Fraktur, German script, Roman examples) from A-Z; Roman numeral with cardinal numeric clarifications; Roman alphabet in majuscule block print

PP 27-8 lists the Cassel weights and measures
P 29 lists Frankfurt monetary denominations
P 30 lists Braunschweig monetary denominations
P 31 lists Bremen monetary denominations
P 32 lists Leipzig monetary denominations
P 33 explanation of preceding examples
PP 34-37 Problems featuring the Cassel weights and measures, as well as Bremen, Frankfurt, Braunschweig, and Leipzig monetary denominatons.

Provenance: Bornemann, Henry S. (1870-1955); Bolllerheÿ, Johann Henrich


Harvey, Thomas: The Promoter of Expedition and Ease. An Engraved Ciphering Book On a New Plan (Essex: Souter, 1814) [Quarto; halfbound]

Morison, Stanley: American Copybooks: An Outline of Their History from Colonial to Modern Times (Philadelphia: W. F. Fell Co, 1951)

Nash, Ray: American Penmanship, 1800-1850; a History of Writing and a Bibliograpy of Copybooks from Jenksins to SpencerI (Worcester, MA: American Aniquarian Society, 1969).

Nash, Ray: American Writing Masters and Copybooks; History and Bibliography Through Colonial Times (Boston: Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 1959).

Nash, Ray: Writing: Some early American Writing Books and Masters, ca 1943.

Secondary Place Town/Township: Geographic Coverage State/Province:Germany
Geographic Coverage City/Town/Township:Braunschweig
Geographic Coverage Note:Braunschweig, Bremen, Frankfurt, Leipzig, and Speyer monetary denominations, as well as Cassel weights and measures are explained in the Ms.

Creation Place State/Province: Creation Place Note:As per Ms entry

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1797
Image Dimensions Width: 22.2 cm
ShelfMark: FLP Borneman Ms. 108
Creator Name: Johann Henrich Bollerheÿ - Scrivener

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