The Whimsical Directive Fixer, 1941

From Our Collections Print and Picture Cartoon Collection
The Whimsical Directive Fixer, 1941

Item Info

Item No: PIXC00028
Title: The Whimsical Directive Fixer, 1941
Publication Year: 1941
Media Type: Cartoons (Commentary)
Source: Print and Picture Collection

The first United States peace time military draft was created in 1940 with the passage of the Selective Training and Service Act, also known as the Burke-Wadsworth Act. The act required all 21 to 36 year old men to register with the newly created Selective Service System and to be chosen by a national lottery should the draft be enacted. In October of 1940 the draft was put into effect and the following year changes were made to the age and length of service required.  Confusion as to the actual conscription and enlistment process may have inspired this cartoon.

Franklin D. Roosevelt: "Proclamation 2425 - Selective Service Registration," September 16, 1940. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project. Retrieved from:

Selective Service System. (2002). History & Records: Background of Selective Service. Retrieved from:

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1941
Creator Name: Alexander, Franklin Osborne (1897-1993) - Artist