New York National Automobile Show 1929 Grand Central Palace design drawing

Automobile Reference Auto Shows
New York National Automobile Show 1929 Grand Central Palace design drawing

Item Info

Item No: arcs00375
Title: New York National Automobile Show 1929 Grand Central Palace design drawing
Media Type: Photographic Prints
Source: Automobile Reference Collection

One of the season’s innovations at the National Automobile Show, January 5 to 12, in Grand Central Palace, New York. The new staircase towards the rear end of the main aisle, from the first floor to the mezzanine, especially built for the occasion, will prove a great convenience to many visitors. While there are four outside staircases and many elevators at the Show, a large proportion of the visitors will use this more centrally located staircase in preference to the permanent escaliers and elevators. The staircase will lead to a splendid array of cars.

See also arcs00376
