John Bull making a new batch of ships to send to the lakes

From Our Collections Print and Picture Cartoon Collection
John Bull making a new batch of ships to send to the lakes

Item Info

Item No: PIXC00060
Title: John Bull making a new batch of ships to send to the lakes
Publication Year: ca. 1814
Media Type: Cartoons (Commentary)
Source: Print and Picture Collection

From 1813-14 the British incurred a series of naval losses to the Americans' fleet on the Great Lakes. This cartoon satirically references those losses by depicting King George III as a baker/John Bull who is baking a new batch of ships to replace those he lost. He is assisted by a Frenchman and two other figures who remind the King of the heavy naval losses. The King's phrase "another whole fleet" is referencing the capture of a British fleet by the American Commodore Perry a year earlier. The cartoon also references the capture of a British vessel named "The Stranger" by the American ship "The Fox."


Lossing, B. J. (ed.). (1874). The American historical record and reperatory of notes and queries: Concerning the history and antiquities of America and biography of Americans. Volume 3. Philadelphia, PA: John E. Potter and Company. (P. 66-67).

Nevins, A., & Weitenkampf, F. (1944). A Century of political cartoons. New York, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons. (P. 26).

Transcription of Text:

[King George III / John Bull:]

Ay! What-what-what!
Brother Jonathan taken
another whole fleet on the
Lakes - Must work away work
away - & send some more or
He'll have Canada next-


Begar Mounseer Bull
me no like dis new Alliance-
Dere be one Yankey Man
da call Mac Do-enough
Take your ships by de whole
Fleet- You better try get gim
for I never get Do-enough
made at dis rate!!!

[Man in back:]

Here are more Guns for the
Lake service. If ever they do but
get there- I hear the last you sent were
waylaid by a sly Yankey Fox and the ship
being a Stranger, he has taken her in-

[Man on right:]

I tell you what Master Bull- You
had better keep both your Ships and
Guns at home- If you send all you've
got to the Lakes, it will only make
fun for the Yankeys to take them- 



Lossing, B. J. (ed.). (1874). The American historical record and reperatory of notes and queries: Concerning the history and antiquities of America and biography of Americans. Volume 3. Philadelphia, PA: John E. Potter and Company. (P. 66-67).

Nevins, A., & Weitenkampf, F. (1944). A Century of political cartoons. New York, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons. (P. 26).

Country: Country:United States

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): ca. 1814
Creator Name: Charles, William, 1776-1820 - Artist