New York Auto Show 1935 Grand Central Palace Pontiac

Automobile Reference Auto Shows
New York Auto Show 1935 Grand Central Palace Pontiac

Item Info

Item No: arcs00423
Title: New York Auto Show 1935 Grand Central Palace Pontiac
Media Type: Photographic Prints
Source: Automobile Reference Collection

Benj. H. Anibal, vice-president in charge of engineering, H.J. Klingler, president, and P.H MacGregor, general plant manager of Pontiac Motor Co., look over the company’s novel cut-out chassis at the New York Auto Show. This is said to be the first cut-out exhibit that shows the construction and operation if engine, chassis and body combined in one display. Eccentric rollers make the knees function; the rear wheels and entire mechanism rotate. The entire display rests on a raised platform, the top of which is chromium trimmed translucent glass for lighting purposes. Overhead is a glass and chromium canopy around the edge of which runs a lighting trough covered with frosted glass. A most brilliant effect is produced
