Chicago Automobile Show February 1935 Coliseum design maquette (miniature)

Automobile Reference Auto Shows
Chicago Automobile Show February 1935 Coliseum design maquette (miniature)

Item Info

Item No: arcs00463
Title: Chicago Automobile Show February 1935 Coliseum design maquette (miniature)
Media Type: Photographic Prints
Source: Automobile Reference Collection

Now the sensational Chicago Automobile Show, to be held in the Coliseum Jan.26 to Feb. 2, will appear looking south down the center aisle. This view depicts one of the two 43-foot giant goddesses which will be placed in the south and north ends of the main show building. Shown also are two of the 14 giant figures of transportation, each to tower 36 feet skyward and to hold in his hands a vital, component  part of an automobile.

This miniature gives an idea of the ingenious manner in which the motor cars will be displayed in the various booths.

One of the brilliant features will be a jeweled car placed directly in the center of the building 12 feet above the ground.

A great step forward will be the lighting arrangement, which will not only be by the indirect method but also will throw illumination upon the cars, where it should be, instead of upon the ceiling, as in the past.
