New York British Auto Show 1950 Grand Central Palace Ford Anglia chassis display

Automobile Reference Auto Shows
New York British Auto Show 1950 Grand Central Palace Ford Anglia chassis display

Item Info

Item No: arcs00501
Title: New York British Auto Show 1950 Grand Central Palace Ford Anglia chassis display
Media Type: Photographic Prints
Source: Automobile Reference Collection

British Auto Show – 1950

Fourth grade students in a school in one of New York’s suburban communities toured the Show as a group. They are shown here inspecting a stand on which an Anglia chassis was in continual rotation during the Show. The Anglia, the lowest-priced car in the Show, is produced in England by the Ford Motor Company Limited, Dagenham, and displayed at the Show and sold in the United States by the Ford Motor Company, Dearborn, Michigan
