Durant 1930: bodywork prepared for painting

Automobile Reference Domestic Cars, Makes A-Z
Durant 1930: bodywork prepared for painting

Item Info

Item No: arcd04569
Title: Durant 1930: bodywork prepared for painting
Media Type: Photographic Prints
Source: Automobile Reference Collection

Durant Motors, Inc., Detroit, U.S.A. Factories: Lansing, Mich., Oakland, Cal., Leaside, Ont.

Quick action screens clamped to body while painting the window reveals.

Automotive Industries October 19, 1929

"Finishing the window reveals is a job that requires considerable preparatory work largely due to the necessity of masking adjacent painted surfaces. A common method is to cover finished surfaces with paper. Naturally, this requires great care and time. Now Durant points the way to putting this kind of work on a production basis. There have been designed the frames shown here which are attachable by means of quick-acting clamps. This eliminates practically all set-up time."
