Baeder, Delany & Adamson, glue works. [Graphic]
Historical Images of Philadelphia Castner Scrapbook CollectionItem Info
Media Type: Engravings
Source: Print and Picture Collection
Depicts glue manufacturing complex of Baeder, Delany & Adamson. Complex contains several buildings on North Sixth Street above Columbia Avenue. The largest building has numerous stories and a cupola. In the foreground a laborer pushes a wheelbarrow and a man and woman stroll on the sidewalk. Also shows street traffic. A horse-drawn carriage, and a covered wagon travel in front of the manufactory. The firm, established in 1828 by Charles Baeder, became the premier manufacturer of its kind in the United States.
Geocode Latitude: Geocode Longitude:-75.146767
Geocode Latitude:39.969331
Creator Name: Castner, Samuel, Jr., 1843-1929 - Compiler