
Item Info

Item No: mcai290091
Additional Title: Hymnal
Language: Latin
Folio Number: front
Source: Rare Book Department
Notes: Initial T with a kneeling figure, possibly King David, communicating with God
Notes: This initial probably begins the hymn, "Tu, Trinitas Unitas," (O three in one, and one in three). Attributed to Pope St. Gregory the Great (540-604), this hymn is sung at Matins on Friday in the Divine Office. The illuminator is working in the style of the Ferrarese artist Guglielmo Giraldi, who was active from ca. 1445 to 1490. Although the landscape is by an undistinguished hand, the features of the figures' faces recall Guglielmo's technique.
Sirsi Catalog Key: 1597017
Country: Country:Italy
Cardinal Point:northern

Creation Year (Single Year or Range Begin): 1460
Image Dimensions Width: 107 mm
ShelfMark: Lewis E M 29:9
Creator Name: Guglielmo Giraldi, follower of - Artist

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