Item Info
Media Type: Cartoons (Commentary)
Source: Print and Picture Collection
Delilah: Samson's Philistine mistress, who deprived him of his strength by cutting off his hair (Judges 16:4–22)
"The Preconvention tide of Democratic party leaders was in full swing toward New York today. With it come definite indications that the first big battle of the Madison Square Garden sessions opening a week from tomorrow would be over the question of whether two-thirds or majority rule should prevail. McAdoo leaders made no secret of their intention to attempt to enforce adoption of the majority rule. They declared that if they could muster enough votes to impose their will on this question, they have the delegates to nominate McAdoo for the presidency on the first ballot or soon thereafter."
"Democrat Party Leaders Start Convention Tide." Daily Illini: Student Newspaper of the University of Illinois 17 June 1924, Vol. 53. Print.
Sykes, Charles Henry. "Delilah." Evening Public Ledger (Philadelphia, PA). 1924, June 18.
Creator Name: Sykes, Charles Henry, 1882-1942 - Artist