Yah-h, Watcher Goner Do About It!

Item Info

Item No: pixc01175
Title: Yah-h, Watcher Goner Do About It!
Additional Title: Yah-h, Watcher Goner Do About It!
Publication Date: 6/8/1921
Media Type: Cartoons (Commentary)
Source: Print and Picture Collection

"When an anthracite operator who is working his mine on a royalty basis prepares his annual report for submission to the Federal or State Government, he charges his payments on account of royalties to the City of Philadelphia.

"'Why do you charge it against the City of Philadelphia?'

"Because,' and [the big operator] laughed as he replied, 'the city of Philadelphiais managing the Girard estate, receives all benefits accruing from these mining royalties and the public, which is always so ready and eager to acclaim us as profiteers and pirates, is entitled to know that the goodly Gity of Philadelphia has a direct interest in this so-called profiteering.

"'In other words, Philadelphia is particeps criminis.  The more we get for our coal, the higher price we charge, the more money or the greater the rake-off for Philadelphia,' he said with a wave of the hand, as if dismissing the subject."

"Coal Men Saddle Royalty On Public." Evening Public Ledger (Philadelphia, PA). 1921, June 8: p. 4.


Sykes, Charles Henry. "Yah-h, Watcher Goner Do About It!" Evening Public Ledger (Philadelphia, PA). 1921, June 8: p. 10.

Creator Name: Sykes, Charles Henry, 1882-1942 - Artist