"Yah, Dey Quarrel; But Only As To How!"

From Our Collections Print and Picture Cartoon Collection

Item Info

Item No: pixc00105
Title: "Yah, Dey Quarrel; But Only As To How!"
Additional Title: "Yah, Dey Quarrel; But Only As To How!"
Creation Date: 1/23/1918
Publication Date: 1/23/1918
Media Type: Cartoons (Commentary)
Source: Print and Picture Collection

"'It is now the time for every citizen to get into the fray and back the Government in this war into which we were plunged while unprepared.  It is quite true that there have been differences of opinion as to the handling of the war program,' [said Senator Frelinghuysen].

"Senator Freylinghuysen [sic] declared himself as heartily in favor of the selection of a uniform director, and expressed the hope that President Wilson would agree to the solution proposed for the future handling of the war program."

"Stand By President, Says Frelinghuysen." Evening Public Ledger 24 January 1918: pg 14. Print.


Sykes, Charles Henry. "Yah, Dey Quarrels; But Only As To How!" Evening Public Ledger (Philadelphia, PA).  1918, January 23: p. 8.

Creator Name: Sykes, Charles Henry, 1882-1942 - Artist