All Wet, Evidently

Item Info

Item No: pixc00297
Title: All Wet, Evidently
Additional Title: All Wet, Evidently
Media Type: Cartoons (Commentary)
Source: Print and Picture Collection

Created for Evening Public Ledger, date unknown.


Virginia Democratic Convention:  "By an overwhelming majority the Virginia state Democratic convention today adopted a platform containing a resolution favoring submission of the prohibition question to the several states by a method which the national convention may deem best."

  • "Virginia State Democrats for Prohibition Test." Chicago Tribune 10 June 1932: 6. Print.

Indiana G.O.P. Action:  "The Republican party went wet today in Indiana, dryest of the bone dry states.  Wets defeated drys on the floor of the state convention and put through a plank headed 'temperance' which calls for the submission by congress to the states of repeal of the eighteenth amendment, and for repeal of the Wright bone dry state law."

  • "Indiana G.O.P. Repeal Plank, Snaps Dry Yoke." Chicago Tribune 10 June 1932: 1. Print.

North Carolina Primaries:  "Such incidents as a repeal candidate worsting Senator Cameron Morrison in the recent North Carolina primary convince some Democratic leaders that the south is already ripe for repeal and that it would be safe to go the whole way in their platform toward repudiation of national prohibition."

  • "Read the Doom of Prohibition in G.O.P. Vote." Chicago Tribune 18 July 1932: 1. Print.

Rockefeller:  "The defeat of Senator Smith Wildman Brookhart, an uncompromising dry, in Iowa, the defeat in North Carolina of Senator Cameron Morrison, hard shell dry apostle, by Robert B. Reynolds, a repealist, and the letter of John D. Rockefeller Jr., former financial angel of the Anti-Saloon league, to Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia university, calling for repeal of the 18th amendment and the return of liquor control to the states--all in the one day's news were the great topics among the gathering politicians."

  • "G.O.P. Arrivals Report Rising Tide For Repeal." Chicago Tribune 8 June 1932: 3. Print.

Creator Name: Sykes, Charles Henry, 1882-1942 - Artist