Charter of the Free Library of Philadelphia

75th Anniversary
Charter of the Free Library of Philadelphia

Item Info

Item No: 75A0228
Title: Charter of the Free Library of Philadelphia
Additional Title: Charter of the Free Library of Philadelphia, granted in 1891
Media Type: Realia
Original Image Location: History of the Free Library of Philadelphia Archive

the Free Library of Philadelphia

Be it known that the subscribers having associated themselves together for the purpose of establishing a free library in the City of Philadelphia and being desirous of becoming incorporated agreeably to the provisions of the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania entitled "An Act to provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of certain Corporations" approved the Twenty-ninth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four and its supplements do hereby declare, set forth and certify that the following are the purposes, objects, articles and conditions of their said Association for and upon which they desire to be incorporated.

I. The name of the corporation shall be The Free Library of Philadelphia
II. The purpose for which the corporation is formed, is to establish and maintain for the use of the People of Philadelphia, a general library which shall be free to all.
III. The place where the business of the said Corporation is to be transacted is the City of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania.
IV. The Corporation is to exist perpetually.
V. The names and residences of the subscribers are as follows:

Edward S. Harlan
Chas C. Harrison
Samuel Wagner
George Henderson
G. Stuart Patterson
Greene Hill, Chester County, Pennsylvania
No. 1618 Locust Street, Philadelphia
No. 1819 Spruce Street, Philadelphia
No. 1422 Master Street, Philadelphia
Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia

The Corporation has no capital stock.

VI. The Corporation is to managed by a Board of Directors consisting of Twelve members, and the names and residences of those chosen Directors for the first year, are as follows:

Isaac Norris
Chas C. Harrison
G. Stuart Patterson
William Platt Pepper
William Pepper
Samuel Wagner
George Henderson
Edward S. Harlan
George Tucker Bierham
David Pepper
Joseph D. Potts
A. Sydney Millward
No. 1424 Walnut Street, Philadelphia
No. 1618 Locust Street, Philadlephia
Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia
No. 1730 Chestnut Street, Philadlephia
No. 1811 Spruce Street, Philadelphia
No. 1819 Spruce Street, Philadelphia
No. 1422 Master Street, Philadelphia
Greene Hill, Chester County, Penna.
No. 1805 DeLancey Place, Phila.
No. 1827 Spruce Street, Phila.
No. 3905 Spruce Street, Phila.
No. 3010 Susquehanna Ave., Phila.

Witness the hands and seals of the subscribers this     day of     in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-one (1891).

Edward S. Harlan (signature)
Charles C. Harrison (signature)
G. Stuart Patterson (signature)
Samuel Wagner (signature)
George Henderson (signature)

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
City and County of Philadelphia
Before me the subscriber, Recorder of Deeds of the said County, personally appeared Edward S. Harlan, Samuel Wagner and George Henderson three of the subscribers to the above and foregoing Certificate of Incorporation of "The Free Library of Philadelphia" and in due form of law acknowledged the same to be their act and deed.
Witness my hand and official seal this Fourteenth - day of January - A.D. 1891
Jos. K. Flescher (signature)
Deputy Recorder of Deeds

In the Court of Common Pleas No. 4 of the County of Philadelphia of December Term 1890, No.     