Writing Exercise (Vorschrift) (Go tired body to your rest [Geh Müder Leib zu deiner Ruh])

Writing Exercise (Vorschrift) (Go tired body to your rest [Geh Müder Leib zu deiner Ruh])

Item Info

Item No: frk00339
Title: Writing Exercise (Vorschrift) (Go tired body to your rest [Geh Müder Leib zu deiner Ruh])
Creation Date: 3/3/1820
Scripts/Text: Fraktur; German script
Language: German
Weiser Number: 957
Physical Description: Leaf
Material: Wove paper; watercolor; ink

Geh Müter \ Leib Zu deiner Ruh Dein \ Jesus Lebt In dir Schlenk die verdrosne \ Augen zu, Mein Jesus Wacht In Mir
Mayrz den 3ten 1820
Wie siehet Man für frühling Zeit Manch Schönes Blümchen Auf Der Heyd zu Gärten Wissen kommt \ Herfür gar vieler handen Blumen ziehr, Was will uns dieser ferner Lehren antwort es grünet alles Gott zu ehren, wie \ schön ist es dann Von die Jugend, wann sie auch gründ in zucht und tugend, zu Glaub Lieb und Barmherzigkeit, zu demuth \ Sanftmuth und keuschheit, zu Treu und Unterthänigkeit und was der gleichen Tugend mehr, dienen kann zu Gottes ehr \ Dann dieser schöne May der frischen Jugend jahren, ist so geschwind vorbey Zur Ewigkeit gefahren, jetzt sam?le Blümlein \ ein Der Heiligkeit und Tugend, So wird doch Ewig seyn die Blüthe Deiner Jugend, Ein Blümlein welket bald, so wird die \ Jugend alt, das Gras wird abgehauen, woran wilt du dann bauen Lehre früh auf Jesum Schauen,
A b B C D d E F g G H J j K L ll M N O H P p q r R S T U V V W w x y z tz ß st st th A b c d e f g st sch g


Go tired body to your rest, Jesus lives in you. Close the troubled eyes; My Jesus keeps watch in me.
March 3, 1820.
How one sees at springtime many a pretty little flower come forth on the heath, in gardens, meadows; very many different flowery adornments. What does this want to teach us further? Answer: Everything grows green to God’s honor. How beautiful is it then for youth to grow green as well in manners and virtue, to faith, love and mercy, to humility, gentleness and chastity, to faith and submission and what other similar virtues can serve to God’s honor. For this beautiful May of the fresh years of youth is over so quickly, gone on to eternity. Now gather little flowers of holiness and virtue, then the flower of your youth will be eternal. A little flower wilts soon, youth becomes old, the grass will be cut off. Whereon do you then want to build? Learn early to look upon Jesus.
A b B C D d E F g G H J j K L ll M N O H P p q r R S T U V V W w x y z tz ß st st th A b c d e f g st sch g

Category: Writing Exercise (Vorschrift)
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

Hand-drawn; hand-colored; hand-lettered. The main text, with the first four lines in Fraktur and the remainder in German script, extends across the entire document. The initial letter of the first word is written in especially elaborate calligraphy which is surrounded by flowers. A border separates the Fraktur from the text in script, and the entire document is enclosed by a decorative border.

Associated Names: Hümmel, Jacob
Provenance: Henry S. Borneman


Henry S. Borneman, Pennsylvania German Illuminated Manuscripts (Norristown, Pa.: Pennsylvania German Society, 1937), published as plate 4.

Mary Jane Lederach Hershey, This Teaching I Present: Fraktur from the Skippack and Salford Mennonite Meetinghouse Schools, 1747-1836 (Intercourse, PA: Good Books, 2003); pp. 132-134, 139.

Creation Place County: Creation Place Note:Based on artist's location

Image Dimensions Width: 20.4 cm
ShelfMark: FLP 339
Creator Name: [Jacob Hümmel (active c. 1815-1822)] - Decorator
[Jacob Hümmel (active c. 1815-1822)] - Scrivener

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