Lubin's Famous Players: Arthur D. Hotaling

Theatre Lubin Film Manufacturing Company
Lubin's Famous Players: Arthur D. Hotaling

Item Info

Item No: thcl01823
Title: Lubin's Famous Players: Arthur D. Hotaling
Additional Title: The Lubin Bulletin Vol. II, No. 1
Publication Date: 1/28/1915
Media Type: House Organs
Source: Theatre Collection

Arthur D. Hotaling is nominally chief comedy producer for the Lubin Company, but in the course of his career he has mastered much more in order to become the maker of the famous Lubin split-reels, that those who are aware of his twenty years in the employ of Mr. Lubin know him to be a man of far wider experience than is usually found in the director of photoplays. 

Mr. Hotaling’s connection with the Lubin enterprises, and his active participation therein, has made him a highly-developed expert in all branches of motion picture manufacture, such as is not given many men to attain. Years ago, under his management, at San Souci Park, Chicago, Mr. Lubin opened a picture theatre, said to be the first in this country. Later, Hotaling had charge of the Lubin exhibit at the Pan-American Exposition. 

To-day he is the managing director of the Studio at Jacksonville, Florida, with four producers under his supervision, and a company of forty-five players. Naturally this has been the evolution of a man gifted at the outset who has gradually advanced himself through unremitting earnestness and fidelity to the art. The perfectly equipped Lubin studio did not go up in a night, nor was its perfect organization the result of chance. All has come about as the result of years of observation and study. Likewise, when he began producing, the excellent director did not achieve the present Lubin standard of comedy photoplays. Their inimitable style has been perfected through the experiments of years of work and patience. They stand as complete expression of Hotaling’s own individuality and ideas. 

A keen student of human nature, with his ear ever at the pulse of public demand, he is content to rest on their judgment of his work. For this reason the director is consistently reticent. He cares nothing for publicity and prefers to do things his own way, quietly and without a blare of bugles. For a long time it was not known that Hotaling wrote all his own productions, or rather, in many cases, produced his story without script or notes. Only when the demand for Lubin Companies became strong enough to warrant tripling the output did he relinquish scenario writing. Now he directs exclusively and assumes entire control of the business of his studio. He has no fads or advocations. His motor-car constitutes his sole relaxation. Outside this he has no interest save in his home and his work. 

Necessarily the director must be a player, for he has to show his actors “How” and that is largely in evidence in Farce Comedy which is the sole output of the Lubin Southern Studio, where all the laughs are made. Hotaling’s leading lady is Mae Hotely, well known and quickly recognized  upon the screen. There are many other clever players in the company who enjoy an atmosphere essentially their own among the Pines and Coast towns of Florida. Figuratively Hotaling owns Jacksonville and if he would only give up picture making might be made burgomaster of the beautiful city.

Call Number: Lubin - Bulletin II:1